Magical Goddess Retreats * Radical Self-Care Workshops
Heal Your Life® Advanced Coach Certification Training
Heal Your Life® Licensed Teacher Training
Life Coaching * Soul Sessions: Collage and Cards

I believe that at the core of everything we do, there must be a sense of personal fulfillment. We must operate from a deep knowing that inside of us are the seeds of great potential.
Co-created the Self-emPOWERment for Teens PlayShop program for youth 12-18
United States Heal Your Life® Workshop Leader & Coach Trainer
Creator of the "Making Wishes Come True" Goddess Retreat (Women’s Empowerment)
Keynote Speaker, "Happiness after Heartbreak" Summit, "Overcoming Betrayal"
Keynote Speaker, Valentine’s Day Summit, "Attracting a Mate"
Contributing author in five books. The newest release "Heart and Soul" discusses healing the mother-daughter relationship
Volunteer at Manatee County Animal Services, Downtown Bradenton Florida

“Thank you soooo much Sandra!! You are the most amazing teacher. I feel so blessed by taking this course. I have been changed for the better - my heart is full of love and gratitude!”
“I took a journey within myself to discover the gifts I have within me. My gifts now flow through me to share!”
“Transformational experience! From cocoon to butterfly experience. Scar tissue was transformed into star tissue.”
“This is THE work that heals, layer by layer. Expand awareness, hold intention, love ones self and you get it back a thousand fold.”
